Robocruiter – Reimagined – 2024 – Part Ten

Robocruiter — Reimagined

–An Eleven-Part Series–

Part Ten

Bob Marshall

September 17, 2024

The Thirteen Motivational Paths

These Thirteen Motivational Paths offer a robust framework for driving personal and professional growth.

  1. You have to want to be motivated: Recognize that motivation must come from within. You can’t force someone else to be motivated; it has to be a personal decision. Understand what truly drives you and make that your fuel.
  1. Find out what motivates you and do it: Reflect on your personal motivators and align your actions with them. The adage “If it is to be, it is up to me” emphasizes personal responsibility in pursuing your goals.
  1. Volition, or will-power: Demonstrate perseverance and tenacity. Like the tortoise in Aesop’s fable, slow and steady progress often wins the race. Persistent effort is key to achieving long-term goals.
  1. A continued plan for learning: Stay curious and committed to learning. Ongoing education and skill development are crucial for success. Those who continuously learn and adapt tend to excel.
  1. Single out success stories: Reminisce about your past achievements. This helps build confidence and reinforces positive thinking. Your subconscious absorbs and acts on these positive memories.
  1. Use motivational tapes: Surround yourself with positive influences and avoid negative media. Inspirational content can help maintain a positive mindset and reinforce your motivation.
  1. Set the example: Lead with enthusiasm and passion. Your energy can inspire and influence others. Modeling positive behavior is a powerful way to encourage those around you.
  1. Advance into new markets: Stay innovative and open to new opportunities. While it’s important to stick to proven methods, exploring new avenues can lead to significant growth and success.
  1. Listen and talk to the new AEs: Support and guide newcomers. Providing encouragement and feedback helps them integrate effectively and boosts their confidence.
  1. Keep up to date in your industry: Stay informed about industry trends and developments. Being knowledgeable and current makes you a valuable resource and a competitive edge.
  1. Focus on end results: Keep your eye on the ultimate goal rather than getting bogged down by individual tasks. This perspective helps maintain motivation and clarity.
  1. Differentiate between being “up” and being “on”: Understand that high-energy states (being “on”) are temporary, but a generally positive attitude (being “up”) can be sustained. Balance is key.
  1. Goal set: Establish clear professional and business goals. These goals serve as benchmarks for progress and can help align your personal aspirations with your career path.

Each of these paths provides a different angle on motivation and success, emphasizing both internal and external factors that contribute to achieving one’s goals.

Here’s a short story that incorporates all 13 motivational paths through the journey of a character named Alex, who aspires to become a successful entrepreneur.

Alex’s Journey to Success

Alex had always dreamed of starting a tech company. One day, after years of working in a corporate job, Alex decided it was time to turn this dream into reality. Here’s how Alex used the 13 motivational paths to achieve success:

  1. Wanting to Be Motivated: Alex knew that motivation had to come from within. The desire to build something meaningful had to be strong. Alex spent time reflecting on personal goals and discovered a deep passion for innovation and helping others.
  1. Finding What Motivates: Alex realized that building products that solved real-world problems was the key motivator. With this clarity, Alex immersed himself in creating solutions that truly mattered to users, making work enjoyable and fulfilling.
  1. Will-Power and Perseverance: The journey was tough with many challenges. Alex drew inspiration from the tortoise and hare story, staying committed to the long haul despite occasional setbacks. Persistence became Alex’s mantra.
  1. Continued Learning: Alex adopted a mindset of lifelong learning. Attending workshops, reading industry books, and learning from peers kept Alex ahead of the curve and equipped with the latest knowledge.
  1. Reliving Success Stories: Whenever faced with obstacles, Alex remembered previous small successes—like successfully launching a beta version or receiving positive user feedback. These memories provided encouragement and confidence.
  1. Using Motivational Content: Alex listened to motivational podcasts and avoided negative news. Surrounding oneself with positive input helped Alex maintain a high level of enthusiasm and focus.
  1. Setting the Example: Alex led by example, showing enthusiasm and dedication. This positive energy was contagious, inspiring the team to share the same level of commitment and passion.
  1. Exploring New Markets: Alex didn’t stick to just the conventional tech market. Instead, Alex explored emerging fields and new markets, like integrating AI into existing products, which opened up new opportunities.
  1. Supporting New Team Members: Alex made it a point to mentor new team members, offering encouragement and feedback. This support was crucial for their development and helped integrate them into the company culture.
  1. Staying Updated: Alex kept up with the latest industry trends and technological advancements. Being knowledgeable about new developments allowed Alex to position the company as a leader in the tech space.
  1. Focusing on End Results: While the day-to-day tasks were important, Alex always kept the end goal in mind—creating a product that would make a difference. This focus helped prioritize tasks effectively.
  1. Being “Up” vs. “On”: Alex recognized that high-energy periods (being “on”) were temporary. However, maintaining a generally positive and motivated attitude (being “up”) was essential for long-term success.
  1. Setting Goals: Alex set clear professional goals, like reaching certain milestones for product launches and user growth. These goals provided direction and motivation, guiding the company’s progress.

In time, Alex’s tech company flourished, thanks to these motivational principles. By staying motivated, learning continuously, and leading by example, Alex turned a dream into a successful reality.

Next Week:  Part Eleven – “The 5 things you will lose by implementing these techniques

Bob Marshall began his recruiting career over 44 years ago at MR in Reno, NV.  In 1986 he established The Bob Marshall Group, International, where he has trained recruiters throughout the United States and also in the United Kingdom, Malta and Cyprus.  With a dedication to executive recruiting, he continues to offer his proven training systems to individuals, firms, and private corporations both domestic and in select international territories.  To learn more about his activities and descriptions of his products and services, contact him directly @770-898-5550/470-456-0386(cell);; or visit his website @

Bob Marshall


TBMG, International

247 Bryans Drive, Suite 100

McDonough, GA  30252-2513


520-842-5550 (fax)