BLS Analysis for December 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 1/6/12 December BLS Preface Happy New Year! Below is my last BLS Analysis for 2011—Thank Goodness! As a reminder, I write these monthly BLS analyses to not only counterbalance the negative press reporting of our economic state but, more than that, to remind all of my recruitment readers that, at the […]

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BLS Analysis for November 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 12/2/11 November BLS Preface As a reminder, I write these monthly BLS analyses to not only counterbalance the negative press reporting of our economic state but, more than that, to remind all of my recruitment readers that, at the level we work, there is no unemployment and so we must recruit […]

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BLS Analysis for October 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 11/4/11  October BLS Preface I write these monthly BLS analyses to not only counterbalance the negative press reporting of our economic state but, more than that, to remind all of my recruitment readers that, at the level we work, there is no unemployment and so we must recruit to find the […]

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BLS Analysis for September 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 10/7/11   September BLS Preface: Small & Mid-sized companies For the last couple of months, when a few of you asked me to compare the government numbers with those issued in the monthly ADP report, I have been reminded of a basic tenet of our economy:  That job creation comes from […]

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BLS Analysis for August 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 9/2/11 Labor Day 2011 BLS Preface: In view of the upcoming Labor Day national holiday (the day we have set aside—since 1894—to pay tribute to working men and women) and the President’s upcoming ‘Jobs’ address to the nation on September 8th, I would like to add a short preface to my […]

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BLS Analysis for July 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 8/5/11 The unemployment rate is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the US Department of Labor.  The rate is found by dividing the number of unemployed by the total civilian labor force.  On August 5, 2011, the BLS published the most recent unemployment rate for July, 2011 […]

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BLS Analysis for June 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 7/8/11 The unemployment rate is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the US Department of Labor.  The rate is found by dividing the number of unemployed by the total civilian labor force.  On July 8, 2011, the BLS published the most recent unemployment rate for June, 2011 […]

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BLS Analysis for May 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 6/11/11 The unemployment rate is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the US Department of Labor.  The rate is found by dividing the number of unemployed by the total civilian labor force.  On June 3, 2011, the BLS published the most recent unemployment rate for May, 2011 […]

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BLS Analysis for April 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 5/6/11   The unemployment rate is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the US Department of Labor.  The rate is found by dividing the number of unemployed by the total civilian labor force.  On May 6, 2011, the BLS published the most recent unemployment rate for April, […]

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BLS Analysis for March 2011

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 4/1/11 The unemployment rate is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a division of the US Department of Labor.  The rate is found by dividing the number of unemployed by the total civilian labor force.  On April 1, 2011, the BLS published the most recent unemployment rate for March, 2011 […]

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